This icon indicates current battery level.
Current battery level is -- V.
This icon indicates the USB key readiness. It is displayed when the USB key is ready to be used.
Battery power too low to run your robot. If you want to continue programming, plug in the power adapter to your robot and select Cancel. The power adapter does NOT charge your batteries. (Caution: Do not run the robot motors when the wall power adapter is plugged in.)
Select Shut Down to turn off the robot and replace or recharge the batteries.
Save your program now so you don't lose it.
Select Cancel to continue without saving your program.
Plug in the power adapter to continue programming.
Shut down the robot and replace or recharge the batteries.
Navigate on your local computer to where your Bloxter code is saved
This will download your work from Bloxter onto your local computer.
You will then need to upload it or transfer it to a USB key in order to run it on your robot.
Enter a name for your program:
Click Test to drive your GoPiGo2 forward about 4 feet and see where it ends up. Select the color that is closest to where it ends up.
Select which color region your GoPiGo ended up and click Submit.
The Submit button will appear when the GoPiGo has finished moving forward.
Looks like your motor might be broken since it is veering so much. Please contact our team for a replacement at
Note: If your GoPiGo2 is spinning in place, it just means you just need to swap around wires for one of the motors. Just switch the black and white wires for the motor that is running backwards.